SEV Connect - Kış 2021
Tarihten Türkiye'de toplum sağlığı öncülerinin kısa tarihi 98 CONNECT KIŞ SAĞLIK VE EĞITIM VAKFI bugün eğitim alanına yoğunlaşsa da, tarihinde sağlık kurumları ve doktorların çok önemli olduğu bir vakıf. Okulları, hastane ve yayınevi SEV'e devredilen Amerikan Bord Heyeti (ABH), Anadolu’da onlarca hastane, hatta ilk tıp okulu ve hemşirelik okullarını açarak, toplum sağlığına büyük hizmetlerde bulunan, unutulmaz izler bıraktı. O tarihlerde yaşanan tifo, kolera gibi salgın hastalıklarla mücadelede en ön saflarda yer aldılar, hatta bazıları bu uğurda kendi hayatlarını feda ederek görev yaptılar. 2019 yılında Türkiye’de vefat eden SEV Mütevelli Heyeti Üyesi Opr. Dr. Warren Harry Winkler, bu unutulmaz doktorlardan biriydi. 1959 yılında doktor olarak Talas Amerikan Hastanesine (Nute Kliniği) gelerek, Anadolu’da yedi yıl boyunca on binlerce kişiye hizmet eden ve sonrasında Türkiye’de kalıp çalışmalarını sürdüren Winkler, vefat etmeden önce kendi kaleminden ABH doktorları ve sağlık kurumları geleneğini hatırlatmak amacıyla kronolojik kısa bir tarih kaleme almıştı. Bunu Tarihten bölümünde yayınlayarak, kendisi ve Türkiye'de toplum hizmeti için hayatlarını feda eden tüm ABH doktorları, hemşireleri, çalışanlarına toplumumuz adına minnettarlığımızı bir kere daha ifade ediyoruz. Bugün aynı ruhla pandemi günlerinde ön cephede mücadele eden tüm mezun doktor ve sağlık çalışanlarımıza saygılarımızı sunuyoruz. Dear Friends, This is a brief history of our relations in Anatolian Turkey. We see we have been a positive influence on the lives of the ill and needy. This article will remind us of our legacy. We are here to determine its future. Saygılarımla Warren H. Winkler M.D. -/- The Antep American Hospital and Schools (ABH: Amerikan Bord Heyeti) 1847 Dr. Azariah Smith, sent by ABH to Antep. He was a graduate of Yale Medical School. He established a clinic and started seeing patients. It was the time of a worldwide typhoid epidemic. He wrote related articles, published in the “American Journal of Science.” Then a cholera epidemic spread worldwide in 1850. He continued to treat patients. Eventually he contracted cholera himself. In 1881 he became very ill with the disease and died in Antep at the age of 34. The hospital was named after him. 1852 Dr. Henry Lennop was sent by the ABH. He expanded the clinic. They saw patients also from Syria, Iraq etc. He wrote clinical articles about his findings. They were published in “Journal of Oriental Diseased” 1853 Dr. Andrew Pratt arrived to increase the capability of the clinic. He was sent by ABH. He became well-known for his mastery of herbal medicines. Patients traveled from afar to be treated by him. Other doctors came from distances to work under him as a surgeon. Because of the regional doctors interest he set up a post- graduate training center. It probably was the only one in the Middle East. It was a time when medical knowledge was based on the 4 liquids: Blood, urine, mucus, gall. 1874 The US Women’s Board of ABH, established a Basic school for girls in Antep. It taught health care. This probably was the first attempt to educate nursing as a profession (Note: In 1920, the first school of Nursing in Turkey was at American Hospital of Istanbul. The second was the Kızılay Nursing School with the help of Esma Deniz who was the first graduate nurse in Turkey.) 1876 Prof Tillermen Crowbridge was sent by ABH to Antep to start a school. 1878 The Merkez Türkiye Koleji was established. The school buildings were completed. It had two academic divisions: A - General Education: Lessons in English, Botany, Pedagogy, Philosophy etc. 258 students were enrolled. B – Medical School: Anatomy, Philosophy, Surgery, Diagnosis, Internal Medicine… Twenty five medical students completed the first course. 1880 A fire destroyed the building, the Medical School was then transferred to Beirut. 1882 Dr. Fred Shepard, Graduate of Michigan, was sent by ABH to Antep. He became a famous surgeon. He performed 2,300 kidney stone operation and many other operations. He traveled by horseback to see patients. Dr. Fanny Shepard, his wife, also came. She was a fully trained and qualified doctor. But she never was allowed to practice medicine. The Ottoman Emperor had rules against women doctors. 1895 The Antep Pre-Nursing School was established by ABH. It was the only such school in the East. The nurses faced all the major diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, worm infestations, typhoid, and cholera. These were all infections for which no medicine had yet been discovered. They were brave and dedicated young nurses who gave wonderful care regardless of the risk to themselves. They could and did contract some of the diseases. We remember nurses like; Isabel Hemingway, Beth Miller, Esma Deniz, Yuiko Nakayima, Mary Blanchaud and hundred more. 1896 After a long history the school closed in 2006. The government had declared that only Nursing Schools related to a university could continue. We should make a special acknowledgement of the long going service of the Shepard family to the medical care of the people of Antep: Dr. Fred Shepard 1855 – 1903 Dr Nanny Shepard 1855 – 1903 Dr. Lorend Shepard 1890 – 1958 Dr Barclay Shepard 1995 – 2009 Mr. Whitman Shepard (educator) 2001 – 2018 • Dr. F. D. Shepard’a Sultan Mehmet Reşat tarafından hizmetlerinden dolayı 1910 yılında verilen Mecidî nişanı. OPR. DR. WARREN HARRY WINKLER’IN KALEMİNDEN GAZİANTEP AMERİKAN HASTANESİ KRONOLOJİSİ